If you regularly wake up feeling groggy or unrested, a home sleep study can pinpoint the underlying cause. At Complete Primary Care in South Plainfield, New Jersey, Rabin Rozehzadeh, MD, provides sleep studies for people living in North Plainfield, Clark, Scotch Plains, Piscataway Township, Edison, Middlesex County, Woodbridge Township and the surrounding communities. To schedule an appointment, call the office or book a consultation online today.

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What is a home sleep study?

A home sleep study is a screening procedure used to determine your risk of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition that causes you to stop and start breathing throughout the night. When left untreated, sleep apnea increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and premature death.

An overnight sleep study provides a thorough assessment of your sleep habits. During the study, you wear a small probe over your finger, a special mask, and a number of electrodes. These tools monitor your oxygen levels and breathing patterns. 

Do I qualify for a home sleep study?

Only a trained medical professional like Dr. Rozehzadeh can determine if you qualify for a sleep study. You’re probably a candidate if you:

  • Fall asleep when you aren’t supposed to
  • Are overweight
  • Smoke
  • Have diabetes
  • Talk in your sleep

You may also qualify for a home sleep study if you regularly snore, wake up gasping for breath, or feel unrested when you wake up in the morning.

What is the process for participating in a home sleep study?

A home sleep study isn’t an over-the-counter test. Instead, Dr. Rozehzadeh prescribes it.

Before making a recommendation, Dr. Rozehzadeh conducts a physical and neurological exam, reviews your medical history, and asks about your symptoms and lifestyle. If Dr. Rozehzadeh suspects you’re experiencing difficulty sleeping due to an underlying health problem that’s not sleep apnea, he might also order blood tests or urinalysis.

After gathering this information, Dr. Rozehzadeh prescribes a home sleep study and provides you with a list of instructions. Make sure to follow these instructions closely, as they directly affect the outcomes of your test. 

How long does a home sleep study take?

A home sleep study monitors your breathing and oxygen levels for one night of sleep. After you put on your oxygen mask, finger monitor, and electrodes, you can get comfortable and doze off.

Throughout the night, the electrodes, oxygen monitor, and mask record information about your respiratory rate, oxygen levels, and movements.

 Following your sleep study, you return to Complete Primary Care. At your second appointment, Dr. Rozehzadeh reviews the data to determine if you have sleep apnea. If you do, he can recommend further treatment, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or a custom oral appliance.

If you dream of getting a better night’s sleep, schedule a home sleep study appointment at Complete Primary Care. Call the office and speak with a staff member or book a consultation online today.